
Hair is a filamentous biomaterial, that grows from follicles found in the dermis. Hair is one of the defining characteristics of mammals. The human body, apart from areas of glabrous skin, is covered in follicles which produce thick terminal and fine vellus hair.


Nail a solid covering Lebanon fingers human hands and feet. And formed the basis of keratin. There are five fingernails on each hand and five on each foot. Nail classified as additional members of the skin, producing cells present in the skin.

Skin Care

Natural skin care is the care of the skin using naturally derived ingredients (such as herbs, roots, essential oils and flowers) combined with naturally occurring carrier agents, preservatives, surfactants, humectants and emulsifiers (everything from natural soap to oils to pure water).

Weight loss

Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health or physical fitness, is a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon and other connective tissue.


Cosmetics (colloquially known as makeup or make-up) are care substances used to enhance the appearance or odor of the human body. They are generally mixtures of chemical compounds, some being derived from natural sources.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Meadowsweet In Skin care

The latin name for Meadowsweet is Filipendula Ulmaria, and it goes by numerous other common names, including Queen of the Meadow. This latter name is quite apt, as it really does look quite spectacular when in full bloom, and has a wonderful, strong, sweet aroma. 

In the past, people used Meadowsweet to cover floors of churches during weddings (another of its names is Bridalwort). It was also the strewing herb of choice of Queen Elizabeth I, who used it to make a pleasant smell in her private chambers. Meadowsweet has also often been used as a flavour in mead. The ancient druids considered Meadowsweet to be one of the three sacred herbs.
It is a very beneficial ingredient in organic skincare products, as it is a natural anti-inflammatory (it contains salicylic acid, the precursor to modern aspirin). It is also useful in helping to treat cellulite, and is an excellent wound healer.

It is often used in organic toning oils in order to help to keep your skin tight, and to reduce any local inflammation or cellulitis. Massaging toning oils, such as the Inlight firm & tone oil into your skin helps your body to drain excess water trapped in the derma layer of your skin. This water is then redirected into your lymphatic system, and drained out through your kidneys.

Body Hair Removal Done At Home

Many people have body hair that they find unsightly and wish to remove. Luckily, there are many different options for body hair removal done at home, so there is sure to be something that you can find manageable if you are looking to remove some excess body hair. Many people are looking to do these at home methods because they are much less expensive than going out and getting laser treatments or electrolysis.

At Home Hair Removal Methods
Probably the easiest and most popular method is shaving. Whether you prefer to use an electric razor or just a regular one, you can remove your unwanted body hair easily and quickly. By applying shaving cream or gel to the area first and then shaving against the direction of the hair growth, you’ll be able to get the smoothest shave. You’ll also want to make sure that you have a fresh, sharp blade in your razor so you can avoid razor burns and cuts. It doesn’t take much pressure at all, and be careful when going over bony areas such as ankles or knees. Also make sure to use hot water while you are shaving.
Depilatory creams are another common at home method of body hair removal. All it takes is applying the cream to the hair you wish to remove and then waiting on average ten to twenty minutes before washing it off with a washcloth soaked with hot water. The hair will come off with the cream. You’ll want to wash your hands as soon as you are done applying the cream. People have varying success with this method, as it does not always remove all of the hair, and you’ll also need to be able to stand the smell. Also, since these creams contain chemicals with alkali that burn the protein structure of the hair, some people cannot use them because they create skin rashes or burns.

Although it can be quite painful, waxing is another popular method used at home. One of the biggest advantage to waxing is that it slows down the hair growth by pulling it out at the roots and it helps to remove dead skin cells as well. It will take approximately three to eight weeks for the hair to grow back, rather than hours like shaving. To wax, you apply heated wax to the unwanted hair, then place a soft cloth over the wax and yank off the cloth in the opposite direction. Your hair needs to be at least 1/8 of an inch long to get the best results with this body hair removal method.

You can also use tweezers. This is especially useful for smaller areas such as between your eyebrows or for shaping your eyebrows. Although a painful method, you are also removing the hairs from the roots so they will take longer to grow back. Try doing this method after a hot shower since your pores will be open and it may reduce the pain a bit.

There seem to always be some new way of doing body hair removal from home, but these methods are the most common ones that you can do at home quickly and cheaply without having to see a professional.

Cosmetic surgery may give you great results

It is essential to prepare for your surgery by stocking your refrigerator with enough drinks and prepared meals to last a couple weeks after your procedure. You should avoid physical activity for four weeks after your surgery, so do not work either. Read on for more great advice.

Before you undergo cosmetic surgery, it is important to set your expectations to something that is realistic. Doctors can assist you in this. Take a look at before and after shots to see the real results from past patients. Cosmetic surgery may give you great results, but it cannot make miracles happen!

If the procedure you are considering will only make minor changes to your appearance and you'd rather keep it personal, you may want to consider having the procedure performed in a different, nearby city. Rather than having it done locally, plan a couple weeks of vacation out of town and get the procedure done there. If your acquaintances have not seen you for two weeks and you have a tan and different haircut, If asked about something being different, you can just point to your skin and hair changes.

When you decide to have cosmetic surgery, you need to have realistic expectations. Though cosmetic procedures can do amazing things, there are limits to their potential. That is particularly the case if you have existing psychological factors that affect your body image. By making a change to your appearance, your issues will not be totally relieved. You may require psychological help as well as physical help to be satisfied with the outcome.

Be sure to ask specific questions about the anesthesia that will be used for your procedure. Sometimes individuals forget about this important question, but it is beneficial to remember it for several reasons. You may feel various levels of pain depending on the amount of anesthesia used. More anesthesia can also mean a longer and harder recovery time. Lastly, the costs will change at every level. You want to be in a position to know what to expect.

Solicit, respect and follow the advice given by your doctor. If he feels uncomfortable with performing certain procedures, there is most likely a very good reason why. You can get the advice of a second well-respected surgeon if you disagree with your doctor. Do whatever you feel is necessary to ensure your own safety.

Overseas plastic surgeries might seem a more affordable option, but do try to locate a surgeon close to your residence. That way you will not have a hard time getting any issues resolved if there complication after the surgery.

Make sure your doctor lets you see photos of their patients' results. You'll then have a great idea if they are skilled or not depending on the pictures that you see. You will know better what you can expect.

Understand the variable nature of costs associated with any cosmetic surgery. The final bill is dependent on different things like anesthesia, multiple procedures and other factors. Your consultation visit is an excellent time to discuss financial matters with your doctor. Don't agree to pay anything until you understand your total financial obligation.

If you have decided that cosmetic surgery is right for you, take some time and make the right decisions before you proceed. This article should have prepared you to feel confident about your cosmetic surgery choices.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Use A Laser Comb For Hair For Beautiful And Lustrous Hair

Balding and thinning hair is problems that strike people of all ethnicities, religion, caste and creed and in the past, many ways have been found to cope with balding and thinning. But with laser hair solutions, there has been a revolutionary change in the hair product market. Earlier the market was occupied with hair regrowth oils and strengthening potions, oils, shampoos and hair implant surgical options. But now that several laser hair restoration options are available at incredibly affordable rates and easy availability and accessibility, it indeed makes it worth the debate that if laser options are really worth a try or not.

Several case studies and statistics have revealed that if you have low or zero hair, the low level laser hair growth therapy wont have any effects. But in case of thinning hair which affects both men and women of all ages, low level laser therapy can actually help. What happens in laser hair restoration therapy is that the laser penetrates the scalp to a length of around 5-6 mm. This penetration of the scalp activates and stimulates the bodys repair mechanism leading to the restoration of thinning hair follicles and normalization of the cells in the scalp. Thus this alters the thinning problem in the hair and makes the hair healthy and adds volume to it. This type of low level laser hair restoration therapy is a non surgical way of curative laser therapy which does not alter the molecular nature of the follicle in the scalp.

It has been seen that factually, many middle aged men develop hair thinning and balding problems. Across the world, low level laser hair therapy is used to stimulate hair growth and alter hair loss. You can use a laser comb for hair to increase the blood circulation in your scalp which will help you diminish hair loss. The laser comb can be used without any professional guidance, directly on the hair. You only need to comb your hair using the brush finely and gently for around 5-10 minutes every day and you will see noticeable difference in your hair within 6-7 months.

The Laser hair loss therapy is actually used in hair restoration salons across the globe by professionals and the treatment is completed within few sessions of treatment as prescribed by the professionals depending on the degree and effect of hair thinning on the hair roots and follicles. It could take only 2 sessions or maybe more than that however, this low level laser hair loss treatment is conclusively much better and affordable than a surgical hair implantation. Looking at the benefits, nil side effects and low costs, low level laser hair therapy offers, it can be well stated this is indeed useful and advantageous

Monday, December 31, 2012

Adding In More RAW Foods and Herbs For Weight Loss and More Energy

I think the more connected we are to raw live foods and connected physically to the earth, the more we can hear the universe/God. God is good. Life is good.
  • "Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29 (NIV)
  • "And the Lord God commanded the man saying: of every tree of the garden, thou mayest freely eat... (Genesis 2: 16)
  • thou shalt eat the herbs of the field. "(Genesis 3: 18)
Processed foods and cooked food are dead. (They LACK nutrients. They put us in LACK).
They certainly put me in lack. I was eating healthier than most people but I lacked the vitamins & minerals my body needed. I was gaining weight but I was starving myself of the nutrients my body needed.
I was taking a lot of expensive supplements that are better than most of the supplements people take but I still wasn't absorbing them.
My doctor ran tests and kept adding in more supplements. But they really were not working.
I changed to more absorbable supplements which helped but to continue on my journey to health  I had to make another change.
That change was to eat more organic raw vegetables and herbs. The herbs are in supplement form but are still raw. My body can recognize them and absorbed them. I also limit my sugar and fruits.
"An herb as a natural substance provides healing, but it also provides a spiritual message.The Spiritual Properties of Herbs, by Gurudas
This may be a new idea for many of us, but other cultures have been using them for thousands of years. In the Amazon, Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.
The food we eat affects our thoughts, feelings & actions.
"The idea that each food, as a particular energy, affects us on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level is a new idea for many people in our industrial civilization. " Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousens Md:
So here is the cool thing. As I have been upgrading my food and supplements, I have been losing weight.
I actually gained weight while I was taking supplements that didn't work for my body. I got up to my highest weight ever while taking supplements and protein drinks that were not raw.
Since 2009 I have lost 70 pounds. In the last 6 months I lost 12 pounds.
It is slow & steady weight loss. And I am getting healthier and I have more energy.
Bernice Templeman is an author, internet marketer and network marketer.

Article Source:

Quick Tip for Losing the Weight

I would like to let you in on a little secret to my success with losing weight so quickly. First of all you need to make a decision. The decision is that you are going to do this. You are going to follow the workout plan and you are going to change the food you place into your mouth. You are going to push play on your DVD player no matter what time of the day it is and what you have left to do for the day. In order to get this burning desire you need to discover why you want to do this.
This can be different for many people. For me it was my self-esteem, my son and my job. For you it maybe that beach vacation you are taking, a wedding, training for the military or a marathon or because your health is deteriorating. Next you need to decide what your fitness goal is going to be. Are you going to lose 5 lbs., 15 lbs, or 50 lbs. or more? How many inches would you like to lose on your waist? What size do you want to fit into? How fast do you want your mile run to be?
Next, WRITE IT DOWN! Write your goals down on a piece of paper and place it next to your bed. Read it before you go to sleep and when you get up in the morning. This will remind you of your goals and it has been proven to increase motivation. Then pick your workout program based on your physical ability. Beachbody has several different workout programs to choose from. Want fun music and cardio? Try Turbofire. Want a total body transformation? Try P90X. Do you have arthritis or a bad knee? Try Power 90. Whatever the choice just remember to read the manuals and follow the nutrition plans. Also ask your coach they are very knowledgeable on a plan that will work for you.
It has also been proven that if you join a workout group for support and motivation you will be a ton more likely to finish the program and reach your goals than someone going it along. This is why challenge groups are so effective and why my team, Team Hustle, was created. It is to assist others in eating healthy and achieving their weight loss goals.
So get started with your goals tonight. Write them down and add to them as you go about your day. Just make sure they are big enough to motivate you to take action!

Friday, December 28, 2012

4 Ways To Keep Hands Looking Young

The colder months are the worst time of year for your hands - even if you have smooth, youthful skin and perfectly manicured nails; your hands are way more prone to cracking and bleeding due to extreme dryness. No matter how young or old you actually are, crackly or dry skin can make your hands look significantly older. Whether it's winter or any other season, you can keep your hands looking young with a few easy tweaks to your routine. The most important goal is to keep your skin healthy and moisturized, since hydrated skin provides a more youthful appearance. Here are four ways to keep those fingers looking fresh.
Wash Lukewarm 

It's important to make sure hands are clean, especially during the winter when germs and illnesses are passing from person to person frequently. Suds up with a small amount of moisturizing hand soap; moisturizing formulas are less drying than antibacterial or alcohol-based soaps. Then rinse your hands under warm water - not cold or hot water, as both can be hard on the skin when it's already dry and chapped. Remember to apply hydrating cream after drying your hands, to keep moisture locked in.
Moisturize Constantly 

Keep a tube or container of moisturizing cream on your desk, in your car, next to the sink, and any other locations where you spend time regularly. These creams are your best dry skin remedies. To keep hands soft and hydrated, apply moisturizers every time you wash your hands, and whenever your skin feels dry. During the day, you may want to select lighter formulas of skin lotions, so they'll absorb more easily and won't keep you from completing the day's to-dos. At night, before you go to bed, you can apply a thicker rejuvenating cream, or use more of the product to get the most out of its hydrating qualities. In addition, put cotton "spa" gloves over your hands overnight to lock in the moisture and keep your natural skin cream working while you sleep. (If you don't have spa gloves, cotton socks will work in a pinch.)
Protect Your Pretties 

Plenty of people forget that the skin on your hands is just as thin as that on your face and neck. So why would you treat it any differently? When you apply your daily face moisturizer and sunscreen, apply it to your hands as well to give them extra moisture and protect them from sun damage and sunburn. In addition, wear gloves if you're going out in the cold, as chilly air and swift winds can dry out and make skin feel tight, and more prone to cracking.
Never underestimate the power of a good mani/pedi. While hitting the salon won't necessarily make your skin healthier, keeping a regular spa date to keep your talons trim draws attention to your nails and away from dry digits. Brighter colors draw the eye to your fingertips, and a fresh manicure helps you to look more polished.
Buy moisturizing cream online at Aloe Vella. We offer one of the best moisturizers for dry skin and natural skin cream at one of the best marketing prices. Our hydrating cream and lotions will improve your skin in a short duration.